Flinx: Worth It?

A couple of months ago I started working on a fix of for <a href="http://codegrrl.com/faq/what-happened-to-flinx-phpfanbase" title="External Link: What happened to Flinx at Codegrrl">Flinx »</a> (the Collective version), which started as nothing serious (I happened to start it on a internet-less day). However, it's turned into something I'm enjoying and finding useful at the same time. First off, it's a complete revamp of the actual script, with multiple categories, with possibly a multi-site version. The only thing left to do it test it, edit it, beta test it and then release it.

Despite it's very heavy development, I'm wondering if it's worth it. Would it be worth the hassle, or is it a one hit wonder script that's better left dead? Also, Flinx Collective happens to tie into <strong>PHPFanBase</strong>, which needs a rewrite itself (or possibly the "Dead" stamp and a move on, in which both I'm not touching). The likes of <a href="http://scripts.indisguise.org/" title="External Link: Enthusiast">Enthusiast »</a> (and NinjaLinks coming soon by <a href="http://jemjabella.co.uk/" title="External Link: Jem of jemjabella.co.uk">Jem »</a>) would most likely make this a useless script also (call me stingy, but I find having several scripts of the same thing to be a bit useless and too time consuming), so that gives me another thing to think about. This wouldn't be my first script, but it would be the first script I've released publicly, and I want to make sure it'd be useful to <em>somebody</em> and of course, worth the hassle of the upkeep.

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Published on: September 30th, 2008
Last updated on: September 30th, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
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