2008 Election Makes for Avoidance

I've been avoiding the 2008 Election (and politics in general) like the Plague. With religion, I believe politics is just a dog-eats-dog world, and makes the United States looks like idiots. I love my country, but I admit, we're a whole bunch of American-rednecks who thinks we're on top of the world and everyone else should be bowing down to us. In and all, that makes me sad and because of that, I avoid politics.

However, <a href="http://blog.haley.nu" title="External Link: Haley.nu">Haley »</a> <a href="http://blog.haley.nu/on-sarah-palin" title="External Link: 'On Sarah Palin' as blog.haley.nu">made a few good points »</a> on McCain (one of the candidates) and his vice-president. Like her, I was all for Hillary, not just as a woman, but because she had something worth-while to say. I'm not going to vote for Obama because he's black and I'm not voting for McCain because he's a white man and I want to carry on the tradition. I don't want to vote for either, because neither of them have said a damn thing that will help this country. United States is in a pithole from hell that Bush dug, and unfortunately, zeroing in on Gay rights (or lack therfore), birth control rights or even the war on Iraq is not going to change a damn thing.

It's sad, because anyone would think after going through <em>so much</em>, that the United States would endeavor to keep what happened before from happening again, but we as a whole must be suckers for our own punishment. Upon hearing my Dad's opinion on what would happen if there's an apocalypse made me even more sad; it showed his lack of trust in any other country but our own: if another country has something big and better than us, we should go to war with them. If that's not an Bush-attitude, I don't know what is.

Another point would be Global Warming; there's not one point, because, as we cannot technically solve the problem, that would only mean we don't know what the problem is. To say it's all man-made is stupid: the world is <em>old</em> and like my old pajama pants, they're going to be falling apart eventually. <em>But</em>, that's not to say it's all nature-based. Like those afore-mentioned pajamas, with a little help, I can make them almost brand-spanking-new. Global Warming is happening, and just because there's seemingly no reason as to why, it doesn't mean we can't help.

Now that <em>that</em> is out of the way, I'm going to ignore the fact that I mentioned anything about an election or it's problems. 18 or no, I will also endeavor not to vote, because I so did <em>not</em> purposely forget the voting pamphlet when I got my ID.

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Published on: September 16th, 2008
Last updated on: September 16th, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
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