I Am a Butterfly

No, I'm not a butterfly, but since I was technically "opening" Lyone, I thought I'd come up with a rather catchy title to draw your eye. However, that's about all the catchyness I have, as for the life of me, I haven't though of what to say in the first blog post (and isn't that the most awkward of them all?!)

Well, for starters, to anybody who doesn't know me (and that'd be a majority of my viewers right now – I'm not popular), I'm Tess, blogger extraordinare. Really, as I've been doing it for five years. Why I keep doing so, I don't know. I guess maybe I like to bore people to their early (or late) deaths.

Oooh, I know! *waves arms around* Since I can't think of anything, I'll start off by talking (rambling) about my Harry/Draco slashy obsession, and how very much it's grown out of proportion. It started about two years ago and that's simply the most obsessive ship you can ever come across. There is NO going back. Granted, I will always love Lucius/Narcissa, Lucius/Snape and Snape/Remus, there's nothing that compares to H/D. Maybe because it's, in some ways, the forbidden fruit? Because they have history? Well…depending on your story and if it's canon or not, but still…hmm, gotta' love Fanfiction! (And before you wonder WHY in the hell it's read as the middle of a story, go here. It'll explain everything.)

Anyways, I will end this before it gets out of hand, and knowing myself as I do, I could go on for hours. So, toodaloo! (And man I love parenthesis…har!)

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Published on: December 20th, 2007
Last updated on: December 20th, 2007
Filed under: General
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