Life, You Are Something

Snnnippppeeetttsss. Yes, I felt like dragging out a (sort of) short word, because I felt like it. And also, my U doesn't work, and so I was trying to fix it; it didn't work, quite obviously. :(

<strong>It wasn't officially confirmed</strong> that Courtney lived with my family, but after six months of living with us, Courtney moved back with her Mom. She'll be around, of course, but it's definitely a weight off my parents chest, and gives Hannah far more room to be her…very piggy and messy self.

<strong>New layout</strong>, and I like it. It wasn't as if I didn't like the previous one, but the darkness was very foreboding for my cheery disposition. I also like it because it's a picture of my…back yard? We have a large back yard, yes we do. Ignore the random paragraphs of ridiculous ranting. <del>I</del> Lyone couldn't help himself. *sporks*

<strong>My Aunt has come to stay momentarily</strong>, and I'm being constantly reminded of how…<em>weird</em> she is. No, not her high pitched laugh, or her crazy antics. OK, maybe the latter. Conversations like these keeping happening:

<strong>Aunt and I:</strong> *going through my Mom's jewelry*
<strong>Me:</strong> Ooooh, earrings! *tries to find pairs*
<strong>Aunt:</strong> *finds a ring watch* "A…ring watch? That's so fucking stupid." *puts it on and holds up her middle finger* "What time is it?" *deep voice* "Fuck you time. <em>Hhahahahah!</em>"

…yes, I know.

<strong>Queer as Folk and Criminal Minds</strong> need to go fuck themselves for making me obsessed with them, making me obsessed with their soundtracks, and making me wish I had 200$ to spend on DVDs of the seasons. F'you, QaF and CM, f'you!

<strong>Oh yeah, it's my birthday tomorrow</strong>. Thought I'd sneak that in real quick, which is why Courtney's coming back and my Aunt's here, despite my constant assurances that I don't <em>need</em> a birthday party. Unlike my sister, I don't need the constant attention, nor the large amounts of hot bodies in the same room singing (very badly) to me.

<strong>Little Britain</strong> is awaiting me, so I will go and watch it because that's what you do. *lame*

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Published on: November 21st, 2008
Last updated on: November 21st, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
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